The River Dove // Peak District
The River Dove
Exploration of the River
Duration 2 Hours
We interacted with the natural force of the river, using our stools to raise us up out of the water.
We experienced the scenes of landscape around us, responding to it in performative acts such as:
The River Dove is the principal river of the southwestern Peak District, in the Midlands of England and is around 45 miles in length.

In this work, The River Dove we interacted with the natural force of the river for the duration of two hours. The three artists walked through the water carrying the concrete performance stools that had been made that previous week. The artists used them to raise themselves up out of the water, standing just above its surface.
The stools acted as an extension of the artists feet to feel the force of the water rushing between the three legs of our concrete stools (almost as if they were standing on the waters serface).
The artists placed themselves as a three within the landscape, and became part of the vast landscape around them. Being inside the landscape allowed them to experienced it fully and see and hear thing that they might not have otherwise.
This piece affected them greatly, at first the artists couldn’t understand what it was, the artists liked the performic acts, but didn't understand what they were doing. It later become apparent, through discussion, that they were trying to achieve a sense of preps within the landscape. By interacting with the landscape, through the performic acts, the artist entered new territory, a territory that involved physical interaction with the raw natural force and becoming 'at one' with their surroundings.