Workshop 003 //
Exploration of Columbian hypnosis. This week our workshop become a deep exploration of Augusto Boals Columbian Hypnosis. A game // way of making performance that asks the artists // performer to lead one another around the space. The artist // performer that is being led has to follow the other as closely as possible and committing to the excursive. While being led the artist // performer has to physically contort their body and stretch their physical limits to allow the exercise to fully immerse them.
The ideas around contact specific and contact-less direction were key areas within this progression of our research. As a group, we investigated this by leading each other with our own bodies and then with outside objects, trying to find the differences. Firstly we created a much more physical duet as both participants needed to be greatly involved. We then found out by adding the outside objects to this game // way of making allowed the leader to take a step out of the situation leaving room for the person being guided to develop the movements.

Key explorations
Exploration of Augusto Bolas Columbian Hypnosis
Investigating the space
Relationships with the space and other bodies
It soon became clear that something we all found interesting was the exaggeration of each singular movement, and how these can create set pieces and choreography when combined together.
We chose certain pieces of music to play whilst we each individually followed an invisible force, being aware of those around us, yet creating our own set movements and patterns.
To allow ourselves to explore in the same space we created a list of rules, something we could all follow whilst developing the work.

1st -
Follow your own invisible hand
If you get gain eye contact, hold that connection and engage with that person
Copy movements that you see and like
Cutting and darting movements (thinking of city street walking)
Focus on direction
Explore patterns that you make in the space
Bumping into each other – physical connections as well as eye contact
Mirror street environments
Repetition and contrast

We are interested in the movements that came out of the research process. Movements that we saw that can be repeated throughout this activity, a pattern or routine that become clear. Below is a recreation of some of these ideas. Our next plan is to explore these ideas in varying environments outside the comfort of a studio.